Ţetta er alveg magnađ.

History Mystery 


Have a history teacher explain this----- if they can.

Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. 
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. 

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. 
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. 

Both were particularly concerned with civil rights. 
Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.

Both Presidents were shot on a Friday. 
Both Presidents were shot in the head 

Now it gets really weird.

Lincoln 's secretary was named Kennedy. 
Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln . 

Both were assassinated by Southerners. 
Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson. 

Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808. 
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.


John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.

Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.


Both assassins were known by their three names. 
Both names are composed of fifteen letters. 

Now hang on to your seat. 

Lincoln was shot at the theater named 'Ford'. 
Kennedy was shot in a car called ' Lincoln ' made by 'Ford'. 

Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassin ran and hid in a warehouse. 
Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hid in a theater.

Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.




1) Fold a 
NEW $20 bill in half... 


2) Fold again, taking care to fold it exactly as below 


3) Fold the other end, exactly as before 
< /B>


4) Now, simply turn it over...


What a coincidence! A simple geometric fold creates a catastrophic premonition printed on all $20 bills!!! 


As if that wasn&#39;t enough...
Here is what you&#39;ve seen... 

 The Pentagon on fire...        


  The  Twin Towers.

..And now .. look at this! 


Disaster (Pentagon)
Disaster ( Twin Towers )
Disaster (Osama)???

It gets even better 9 + 11 = $20! 


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1 Smámynd: Óskar Arnórsson

Ţetta er alveg stórmerkilegt! Ég trúi ekki persónulega á tilviljanir. Persónuleg reynsla sem ég vil ekki fara nánar út í....já ţetta er magnađ!..ţarf ađ ná mér í 20 dollara seđil...og prófa ţetta.

Geturđu sent mér ţetta á maili: oskar.evropa@gmail.com ?

Frábćr pistill..

Óskar Arnórsson, 22.2.2009 kl. 01:01

2 Smámynd: Margrét St Hafsteinsdóttir

Já ţetta er mjög merkilegt en ég veit ekki hvort allt er stađreyndir sem haldiđ er ţarna fram Ţarf ađ lesa mér til.

 Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.

Ţetta hef ég t.d. aldrei heyrt um.

En eftir ađ leita ađ smá upplýsingum fann ég eftirfarandi og nennti ekki ađ leita meira

John Wilkes Booth (May 10, 1838 &#150; April 26, 1865)

Lee Harvey Oswald  f. 18. okt. 1939  d. 24. nóv. 1963

John Fitzgerald Kennedy (29. maí 1917 &#150; 22. nóvember 1963) 35. forseti Bandaríkjanna fyrir demókrata frá 20. janúar 1961

Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 &#150; April 15, 1865) Forseti: 1860

Ţannig ađ ţađ er eitthvađ bogiđ viđ ţetta eđa ţann sem setti ţetta saman og leiđinlegt ađ eyđileggja fyrir ykkur dulúđina yfir ţessu

Margrét St Hafsteinsdóttir, 23.2.2009 kl. 03:05

3 Smámynd: Jens Sigurjónsson

Sćl Margrét.

Ef ţú skođar ţetta nánar, ţá er veriđ ađ tala um kosningu (elected) Og John var kosinn sem forseti 8 nóv 1960 og Abraham kosinn áriđ 1860.

John var settur í embćtti ţann 20 jan 1961.

En er kannski einhver vafi á fćđingardeginum hjá Bootsh ég hef séđ 1839 og 38.

Jens Sigurjónsson, 23.2.2009 kl. 19:36

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